The magazine DESIGNIA is a specialized journal that publishes advances and results of research on topics related to Architecture, Urbanism and Design, is attached to the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism of the University of Boyacá.
It is published every six months, edited by Ediciones Uniboyacá and distributed through the website. Its recipients are: Researchers, academics, consultants, undergraduate and graduate students, communities and people interested in the subject of the journal in Colombia and Latin America, as a priority.
The Journal has different instances that guarantee the quality of the material published in it, they are: Scientific Committee, Technical Committee, Director, Editors and arbitrators.

ISSN: 2256-4004   / ISSN: 2539-147X(Online)



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La revista DESIGNIA es una revista especializada que publica avances y resultados de investigaciones en temas relacionados Arquitectura, urbanismo, patrimonio cultural, museología, diseño (gráfico, industrial y de modas), artes visuales y educación y diseño; está adscrita a la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU), Universidad de Boyacá (Colombia).

Published: 2024-06-20

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