Participatory urbanism. A complex pedagogical aproach

Urbanismo participativo. Una aproximación pedagógica compleja

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The representative forms of the State during modernity have restricted citizen participation in the processes of creation and production of the city; however, the current denomination of the Social State of Law in Colombian legislation tends to allow greater relevance in it. It is then about presenting in this essay, an academic curricular scheme that conceives citizen activism in the idea of ​​exercising "the right to the city" enunciated by Henri Lefebvre. For this, in the spatial emphasis that characterizes the academic training of architects, we consider essential the perspective of the triallectic of perceived-conceived-lived spatiality that Edward Soja handles in the academic interest of privileging space beyond considering it a simple environmental container element of human activity. As a complement to strengthen the formative competencies of students, we introduce in an articulated way the principles of a complex system in the manner of Edgard Morín, the dialogic, hologrammatic and recursion principle to revalue or resignify the argumentative and analytical skills that founded the idea of urbanism as a modern technocratic ideology.



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Author Biographies (SEE)

Javier Alonso Bohórquez Rueda

Arquitecto, Universidad Católica de Colombia. Doctor en Educación, Universidad de la Salle (Costa Rica). Magister en Creatividad e Innovación, Universidad Fernando Pessoa (Portugal).

Jorge Ariel Moreno Plazas

Geógrafo, Arquitecto Especialista en Pedagogía del Diseño

References (SEE)

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