Extracción de polifenoles de Cynara scolymus L., usando técnicas tradicionales y modernas. Una breve revisión
Extraction of polyphenols from Cynara scolymus L. using traditional and modern techniques.A short review
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The nutritional value and health benefits of polyphenolic compounds presents in the artichoke, has emphasized the importance of extraction methods to obtain the highest recovery of this secondary metabo- lites. Polyphenols present in this herbaceous plant are represented by caffeoylquinic acid derivates and flavones apigenin, luteolin and their conjugates. This review highlights the theorical aspects and re- cent developments of traditional techniques such as maceration and soxhlet extraction, and modern techniques like ultrasound-assisted, microwave-assisted and accelerated solvent extraction, which have been replacing traditional ones in the obtaining of these compounds in the last 10 years.
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Referencias (VER)
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